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For the Good of the Cause

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Wikipedia article

'For the Good of the Cause' is a novella by Russian writer Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, published in the Russian magazine 'Novy Mir' in 1963. The story is unusual in Solzhenitsyn's canon in that it is set contemporary time, the early 1960s. The action takes place in a provincial town like Ryazan where the author lived after his release from the Gulag and his return from exile in the 1950s. In the town, the students of the local college help to build new college premises by doing most of the work themselves. On completion, the Soviet authorities order that the building should be handed over to a research institute and the students are told that this is "for the good of the cause".

The story is an overt criticism of the lack of democracy that prevailed at the time and the lack of integrity of political leaders. The novella is longer and less successful than the author's others, such as 'An Incident at Krechetovka Station' and 'Matryona's Place' and in 1973, the critic Christopher Moody a former lecturer in Russian at the University of the Witwatersrand wrote, "'For the Good of the Cause' is...a political polemic and was treated as such by the Soviet press".


Category:Novels by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Category:Works originally published in Novy Mir

Category:1963 novels

Category:Russian novellas

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