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Books from 1942


Category:1942 American novels

Category:1942 Australian novels

Category:1942 British novels

Category:1942 French novels

Category:1942 German novels

Category:1942 debut novels

Category:1942 graphic novels

Category:1942 speculative fiction novels

Ciske de Rat

Embers (novel)

From Father to Son

Ganadevata (novel)


La Veuve Couderc

Last Laugh, Mr. Moto

Maigret and the Hotel Majestic

Maigret in Exile

Monkey (novel)

Odayil Ninnu

Oliver VII

Parthiban Kanavu


Saturnin (novel)


The Baron (novella)

The Family of Pascual Duarte

The Heart of Jade

The Royal Game

The Sword and the Sickle

Young Cardinaud

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