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Ayit Tzavua

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Wikipedia article

'Ayit Tzavua' (Hebrew: ), literally 'The Painted Eagle', or 'The Hypocrite' is an 1858 Hebrew novel by Abraham Mapu. The novel is partly set in the salon of a Lithuanian magnate, in which enlightened Poles and Jews meet and discuss Voltaire, philosophy and the Jews.'Polin' 1874774765 1986 Volume 17 - Page 6 "In Ayit tsavua ('The Hypocrite', 1858-64), a novel by Abraham Mapu, one finds a ridiculously romanticized depiction of the salon of a Lithuanian magnate, where enlightened Poles and Jews meet and discuss Voltaire, philosophy, and the Jews .." It is one of the first modern novels in Hebrew, following the same author's 'Ahavat Zion' (1853).


Category:1858 novels

Category:Hebrew-language novels

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