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La Vie de Marianne

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Wikipedia article

'La Vie de Marianne' ('The life of Marianne: or, the adventures of the Countess of ***') is an unfinished novel by Pierre de Marivaux and illustrated by Jakob van der Schley.

The novel was written in sections, eleven of which appeared between 1731 and 1745. A 'Continuation' was produced by Madame Riccoboni, but this too is incomplete.


* Maria Rosaria Ansalone, 'Una Donna, una vita, un romanzo : saggio su La Vie de Marianne di Marivaux', Fasano: Schena, 1985.

* Patrick Brady, 'Structuralist perspectives in criticism of fiction : essays on Manon Lescaut and La Vie de Marianne', Bern; Las Vegas: P. Lang, 1978.

* Patrick Brady, 'Rococo Style versus enlightenment novel : with essays on Lettres persanes, La Vie de Marianne, Candide, La Nouvelle Hlose, Le Neveu de Rameau', Geneva, Slatkine, 1984.

* Peter Brooks, 'The Novel of worldliness; Crbillon, Marivaux, Laclos, Stendhal', Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1969.

* David Coward, 'Marivaux, La Vie de Marianne and Le paysan parvenu', London: Grant & Cutler, 1982.

* Anne Deneys-Tunney, 'critures du corps : de Descartes Laclos', Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1992 .

* Batrice Didier, 'La Voix de Marianne : essai sur Marivaux', Paris: J. Corti, 1987 .

* Annick Jugan, 'Les Variations du rcit dans La Vie de Marianne de Marivaux', Paris: Klincksieck, 1978.

* Marie-Paule Laden, 'Self-imitation in the eighteenth-century novel', Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1987 .

* Leo Spitzer, Alban K. Forcione, Herbert Samuel Lindenberger, et al. 'Representative essays', Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1988 .

* Theodore E. D. Braun, John A. McCarthy, 'Disrupted patterns : on chaos and order in the Enlightenment', Amsterdam; Atlanta, GA: Rodopi, 2000 .

* Nancy K. Miller, 'The Heroine's text: readings in the French and English novel, 1722-1782', New York: Columbia University Press, 1980 .

* Annie Rivara, 'Les Surs de Marianne : suites, imitations, variations, 1731-1761', Voltaire Foundation, Oxford, 1991 .

* Philip Stewart, 'Half-told tales : Dilemmas of meaning in three French novels', Chapel Hill: U.N.C. Dept. of Romance Languages, 1987 .

* Loc Thommeret, 'La Mmoire cratrice. Essai sur lcriture de soi au XVIIIe sicle', Paris: LHarmattan, 2006, .

* Arnold L. Weinstein, 'Fictions of the self, 1550-1800', Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1981 .

External links b

* [https://archive.org/details/jstor-433141 English translations], Internet Archive

Category:1745 novels

Category:18th-century French novels

Category:Unfinished novels

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