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Kirei na Senritsu

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Wikipedia article

is the seventh single by the singer Kotoko for Geneon Entertainment. The title track was used as the final ending theme for the OVA of 'Maria-sama ga Miteru'. The lyrics to this song were written by Konno Oyuki, the creator of 'Maria-sama ga Miteru', and the melody was composed by the former Megadeth guitarist Marty Friedman.

Track listing

# / Kirei na Senritsu4:00

#:Composition: Marty Friedman

#:Arrangement: Tomoyuki Nakazawa, Maiko Iuchi

#:Lyrics: Oyuki Konno


#:Composition: Kotoko

#:Arrangement: C.G mix

#:Lyrics: Kotoko

# (Instrumental) / Kirei na Senritsu (Instrumental) -- 3:59

#Rush (Instrumental) -- 4:11

Charts and sales


Category:2007 singles

Category:2007 songs

Category:Kotoko (singer) songs

Category:Anime songs

Category:Song recordings produced by I've Sound

Category:Songs written by Marty Friedman

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