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Wikipedia article

"'Yalan'" (English translation: "Lie" - as in: not telling the truth) is a song from Turkish girl group Hepsi's debut album, 'Bir' (2005). The song features vocals from Turkish pop musician Murat Boz; Boz, however, does not appear in the video. Yalan follows "Olmaz Olan" as Hepsi's second single.

Music video

The video begins with each of the girls contained in a cube along with items of matching the colour. The sequence continues on stage with a dance routine; a screen is then lowered showing the girls performing a different dance routine with a male model while accompanied by Boz's vocals.

Choreography by Selatin Kara.[http://www.selatin.com/news_9.html Selatin Kara]


Category:2005 singles

Category:Hepsi songs

Category:Turkish songs

Category:2005 songs

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