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The Gift (Seether song)

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Wikipedia article

"'The Gift'" is a song by South African rock band Seether. It is the fourth track and third and final single off their album 'Karma and Effect'.

Music video

The music video was written and directed by Meiert Avis. The video is about a man who kills a young girl in a car crash in Southern Mexico. Each year, on The Day of the Dead, he visits the cross at the side of the road at the place where she died, and spends the night there. Meanwhile, the ghost of a little girl goes into town with a Curandero to visit her father and sister, who the man had been dating. As he is driving to the cross, he sees the ghost walking on the side of the road. The ghost of the little girl leaves candy skulls, representing her forgiveness, on the man's bed. The "Gift" is the life he took, and the forgiveness she gives him.

The video is punctuated with shots of the band playing the song in a darkened room, illuminated only by bare hanging lightbulbs.

The song has been described by lead singer, Shaun Morgan, as being inspired by his daughter.



Category:2006 singles

Category:Seether songs

Category:Music videos directed by Meiert Avis

Category:Rock ballads

Category:2005 songs

Category:Wind-up Records singles

Category:Songs written by Shaun Morgan

Category:Song recordings produced by Bob Marlette

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