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En enda gng (song)

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Wikipedia article

"'En enda gng'", lyrics by Hans Skoog and music Martin Klaman, is a power ballad which Kikki Danielsson performed when it finished fourth at the Swedish Melodifestivalen 1992. Kikki Danielsson had throat problems, which caused her voice to become more hoarse than usual. However, this didn't seem to affect the result in a negative way, since the song reminded of those heavy mer ballads with hoarse singer remaining popularity at that time.Melodifestivalen genom tiderna, Premium frlag 1999 in 2006 (first published 1999), page 224-227 - 'Melodifestival 1992, Kusligt likt'

The lyrics is natural romantic, like many other Kikki Danielssons songs. In "En enda gng", Swedish for "Only one time", the singer describes its love as several natural phenomenas.


"En enda gng" stayed on the Swedish chart Svensktoppen for one week, where it was on the 10th place.[http://www.sr.se/Diverse/AppData/Isidor/files/2023/3488.txt Svensktoppen - '1992']


*[http://smdb.kb.se/catalog/id/001518357 Information] at Svensk mediedatabas

Category:Kikki Danielsson songs

Category:Melodifestivalen songs of 1992

Category:Rock ballads

Category:1990s ballads

Category:1992 songs

Category:Swedish-language songs

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