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Love on the Rise

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Wikipedia article

"'Love on the Rise'" is a song by American singer Kashif and saxophonist Kenny G. The song appears on Kashif's third studio album 'Condition of the Heart' and Kenny G's album 'Gravity' and acts as both's lead single. The song was released in 1985.


Kenny G and Kashif had worked together before the single was released, at the beginning of both of their careers. The song is a funk, post-disco song, with the alto saxophone section performed by Kenny G.

Music video

The music video for the song was released in 1985. In the music video, both Kenny G and Kashif are chasing the same woman, but in the end they find out the woman is with somebody else and they become friends.

Track listing



Category:1985 songs

Category:1985 singles

Category:Kashif (musician) songs

Category:Kenny G songs

Category:Arista Records singles

Category:Songs written by Wayne Brathwaite

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