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Get It Right (Aretha Franklin song)

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Wikipedia article

"'Get It Right'" is a soulful boogie song written by Luther Vandross and Marcus Miller which was an R&B hit for Aretha Franklin in 1983. Released from the album of the same title, it reached number one on the Hot Soul Singles chart in August 1983 and peaked at number 61 on the 'Billboard' Hot 100. The single reached number nine on the Hot Dance Club Play chart and number 74 on the UK Singles Chart.


*Aretha Franklin - vocals

*Doc Powell, Georg Wadenius - guitar

*Marcus Miller - bass, synthesizer

*Nat Adderley, Jr. - keyboards

*Yogi Horton - drums

*Paulinho da Costa - percussion

*Steve Kroon - congas, triangle

*Dave Friedman - vibraphone

*Luther Vandross, Brenda White King, Fonzi Thornton, Michelle Cobbs, Phillip Ballou, Tawatha Agee, Yvonne Lewis - backing vocals


Category:Aretha Franklin songs

Category:1983 songs

Category:1983 singles

Category:Songs written by Luther Vandross

Category:Songs written by Marcus Miller

Category:Arista Records singles

Category:Boogie songs

Category:Post-disco songs

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