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Say I Am (What I Am)

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Wikipedia article

"'Say I Am (What I Am)'" is a song written by Barbara and George Tomsco and was recorded by Tommy James and the Shondells for their 1966 album, 'Hanky Panky'. The song reached #21 on The Billboard Hot 100 in 1966.[http://www.allmusic.com/artist/tommy-james-the-shondells-mn0000520975/awards Tommy James and The Shondells Charting Singles] Retrieved August 17, 2012. The song also reached #12 in Canada.

Cover versions

*The Fireballs also released a version in 1966 that was the B-side to their song "Torquay Two".[http://www.allmusic.com/album/clovis-classics-the-definitive-collection-mw0000723882 The Fireballs, 'Clovis Classics: The Definitive Collection'] Retrieved August 17, 2012.

*Another cover of the song was also released in 1966 by Stu Mitchell & Doug Roberts in the Norman Petty's studios.[http://www.allmusic.com/album/now-hear-this!-garage-beat-from-the-norman-petty-vaults-mw0000576851 Various Artists, 'Now Hear This! Garage & Beat from the Norman Petty Vaults'] Retrieved November 05, 2013.


Category:1966 songs

Category:1966 singles

Category:Tommy James and the Shondells songs

Category:Roulette Records singles

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