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Let Love Come Between Us

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Wikipedia article

"'Let Love Come Between Us'" is a song written by Joe Sobotka and Johnny Wyker and performed by James & Bobby Purify. The song was featured on their 1968 album, 'The Pure Sound of The Purifys - James & Bobby'. The song was produced by Papa Don Enterprises.

Chart performance

"Let Love Come Between Us" reached #18 on the US R&B chart, #23 on the 'Billboard' Hot 100, and #51 on the UK Singles Chart in 1967.

Other versions

*The Rubber Band, featuring the one of the song's writers, Wyker, released the original version of the song as a single in 1966.

*Mark Williams covered the song on his 1975 album, 'Mark Williams'.

*Peters and Lee released a version of the song as a single in 1977.

*Mavis Staples released a version of the song on her 1979 album, 'Oh What A Feeling'.

*Delbert McClinton released a version of the song as a single in 1981.


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Category:1967 singles

Category:1977 singles

Category:1981 singles

Category:James & Bobby Purify songs

Category:Delbert McClinton songs

Category:Bell Records singles

Category:Philips Records singles

Category:MCA Records singles

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