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Come On Girl (Bert Berns song)

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Wikipedia article

'"Come On Girl"' is a 1963 song written by Bert Berns and Stanley Kahan, credited as "Bob Elgin, Bert Berns and Kay Rogers".Joel Selvin 'Here Comes the Night' 2014 "He handed the Redcaps 'Come on Girl' a song he wrote with Stanley Kahan and had already tried a few times, including a version by the Jarmels". It was the final single for The Jarmels in 1963,Vladimir Bogdanov 'All Music Guide to Soul' 2003 and was then covered by The Redcaps 1963. The Knight Brothers covered the song in 1964.


Category:1963 songs

Category:Songs written by Bert Berns

Category:Songs written by Bob Elgin

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