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Juke Box Baby

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Wikipedia article

"'Juke Box Baby'" is a song written by Joe Sherman and Noel Sherman and performed by Perry Como. It reached #10 on the U.S. pop chart and #22 on the UK Singles Chart in 1956.


The single features The Ray Charles Singers and Mitchell Ayres and His Orchestra and was arranged by Joe Reisman.

Other versions

*Sid Phillips and His Band released a version of the song as a single in the UK in 1956, but it did not chart.


Category:1956 songs

Category:1956 singles

Category:1950s ballads

Category:Songs with lyrics by Noel Sherman

Category:Songs written by Joe Sherman (songwriter)

Category:Perry Como songs

Category:RCA Records singles

Category:His Master's Voice singles

Category:Songs about music

Category:Songs about jukeboxes

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