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Ain't That Lovin' You, Baby

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Wikipedia article

:Not to be confused with 'Ain't That Lovin' You, Baby (Jimmy Reed song)'

"'Ain't That Loving You, Baby'" is a song written by Clyde Otis and Ivory Joe Hunter and originally recorded by Eddie Riff in 1956. Elvis Presley recorded the song in 1958 and released the song as a single in 1964.


It was recorded by Elvis Presley on June 10, 1958, but wasn't released as a single by him until September 1964 (with no comma in the title) when it reached number 16 on the Billboard chart, with "Ask Me" as the flipside. It is a standard shuffle in E major. The song, along with "Ask Me", was later included on the 1968 compilation album 'Elvis' Gold Records Volume 4', and an alternate take with a faster tempo was released in 1985 on the compilation album 'Reconsider Baby'.


* Elvis Presley - lead vocals

* Hank Garland - lead guitar

* Bob Moore - double bass

* Floyd Cramer - piano

* D. J. Fontana, Buddy Harman - drums


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