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Indian Red

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Wikipedia article

:'This article refers to the traditional New Orleans song; for the color see Indian red (color).

'Indian Red' is traditionally sung at the beginning and at the end of gatherings of Mardi Gras Indians in New Orleans. It is a traditional chant that may have been first recorded in 1947 by Danny Barker for King Zulu labelLipitz, George. 'Time Passages: Collective Memory and American Popular Culture', p. 250. University of Minnesota Press, 1990. (Barker on guitar & vocals, Don Kirkpatrick on piano, Heywood Henry on baritone saxophone, and Freddie Moore). It has since been recorded many times by, among others, Dr. John and Wild Tchoupitoulas.


:Madi cu defio, en dans dey, end dans dayA corruption of a phrase from an old Creole song, "M'all couri dans deser" (Wilson, 'Traditional Louisiana French Folk Music', 59; Mrs. Augustine Moore, interview by author, 1980. As cited in "The Use of Louisiana Creole in Southern Literature" by Sybil Rein, 'Creole: The History and Legacy of Louisiana's Free People of Color' ed. Sybil Rein. Louisiana State University Press: 2000. pg 124). "M'all couri dans deser" is said to mean "I am going into the wilderness" ("Creole Slave Songs." 'The Century Magazine'. Vol XXXI, No 6. April 1886. pg 820).

:Madi cu defio, en dans dey, end dans day

:We are the Indians, Indians, Indians of the nation

:The wild, wild creation

:We won't bow down

:Down on the ground

:Oh how I love to hear him call Indian Red

:I've got a Big Chief, Big Chief, Big Chief of the Nation

:The wild, wild creation

:He won't bow down

:Down on the ground

:Oh how I love to hear him call Indian Red


Category:Songs about Native Americans

Category:Mardi Gras in New Orleans

Category:1947 songs

Category:Songs about New Orleans

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