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Song of India (song)

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Wikipedia article

'"Song of India"' is a popular song adapted from the aria "Pesnia indiskogo gostia" (Song of the Indian Guest) from Rimsky-Korsakov's 1896 opera 'Sadko'.[http://lccn.loc.gov/n831943147 "Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay, 1844-1908. Sadko (Opera). Pesnia indiskogo gostia"] in 'Library of Congress Authorities', accessed 5 November 2015. The melody was also used for the 1918 song "Beautiful Ohio", which became the official song of the U.S. State of Ohio.

Tommy Dorsey recording

In January 1937, Tommy Dorsey recorded an instrumental jazz arrangement featuring Bunny Berigan on trumpet, which became a jazz standard. Coupled with "Marie", the 78 rpm disc '(Victor #25523)' was a major hit for Dorsey, containing two of his most enduring recordings on one record, and which helped make him and his band into a household name as a popular music artist in the United States.

Other recordings

*Paul Whiteman also recorded a foxtrot arrangement of the song in 1921.

*Another recording was Danny Gatton's Redneck Jazz Explosion in 1978.

*Sarah Brightman, on her 2013 album 'Dreamchaser'.


Category:1921 singles

Category:1937 songs

Category:1930s jazz standards

Category:Jazz compositions in F major

Category:Swing jazz standards

Category:Songs about India

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