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On, Wisconsin!

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Wikipedia article

"'On, Wisconsin!'" is the fight song of the Wisconsin Badgers at the University of WisconsinMadison. A version with modified lyrics is the official state song of Wisconsin.

"On, Wisconsin!" was also the cry that Arthur MacArthur Jr. used in the Battle of Chattanooga at Missionary Ridge, in the Civil War.


The tune was composed in 1909 by William T. Purdy as "Minnesota, Minnesota," with the intention of entering it into a competition for a new fight song at the University of Minnesota.

Carl Beck, a former Wisconsin student, convinced him to withdraw it from the contest at the last minute and allow his alma mater to use it instead. Beck then wrote the original, football-oriented lyrics, changing the words "Minnesota, Minnesota" to "On, Wisconsin! On, Wisconsin!"[http://www.music.umn.edu/marchingband/history/rouser.html The Minnesota Rouser: Minnesota Marching Band: U of M] (The eventual winner of the competition became known as the Minnesota Rouser.)

The lyrics were rewritten for the state song in 1913 by Judge Charles D. Rosa and J. S. Hubbard. The song was widely recognized as the state song at that time but was never officially designated. Finally in 1959, "On, Wisconsin!" was codified in Chapter 170, Laws of 1959, and is incorporated in Section 1.10 of the statutes.

"On, Wisconsin!" was regarded by John Philip Sousa as "the finest of college marching songs". It has become one of the most popular fight songs in the country, with some 2,500 schools using some variation of it as their school song. There have been persistent rumors that the rights to the song are owned by Paul McCartney or Michael Jackson.[http://csmonitor.com/cgi-bin/durableRedirect.pl?/durable/1998/06/11/p51s1.htm When Is Art Free? | csmonitor.com] The song is actually in the public domain in the United States.Jenny Price. "[http://onwisconsin.uwalumni.com/on_campus/fight-on-for-her-fame/ Fight on for Her Fame]". 'On Wisconsin', Winter 2009. The international rights are unclear.


Battle cry

"On, Wisconsin!" was the cry that Arthur MacArthur Jr. used in the Battle of Chattanooga at Missionary Ridge during the American Civil War. He seized the regimental colors, and rallied his regiment with "On, Wisconsin!", for which he was awarded the Medal of Honor.Douglas MacArthur. "[https://books.google.com/books?id=ElQEAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA50&lpg=PA50&dq=%22arthur+macarthur%22+%22on+wisconsin%22&source=bl&ots=-3dPaTHXlJ&sig=u-s4q-isYisi4E5sJd88xg1YKgk&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj2h4T4nvbMAhUVRlIKHcPJASoQ6AEIXjAJ#v=onepage&q=%22arthur%20macarthur%22%20%22on%20wisconsin%22&f=false Martial Roots of a Warrior's Glory]". 'Life Magazine', January 10, 1964, p. 50.


In the early 1980s, subsequent to the purchase of Edwin H. Morris & Company, lawyers working for Paul McCartney attempted to claim copyrights for several well known songs, including 'On, Wisconsin!' The entire catalogue was later sold to Michael Jackson. When the copyright claim was initially made, public outcry demanded that the copyright be deeded over to the State of Wisconsin as the copyright holders were demanding royalties for performance. The matter was resolved quietly; however, rumors persist that McCartney or Jackson's estate holds the claim. The song remains in the public domain.Albin Krebs and Robert Mcg. Thomas Jr. "[https://www.nytimes.com/1981/01/21/nyregion/notes-on-people-mccartney-asked-to-waive-on-wisconsin-royalties.html NOTES ON PEOPLE; McCartney Asked to Waive 'On, Wisconsin' Royalties]". 'New York Times', January 21, 1981.Albin Krebs and Robert Mcg. Thomas Jr. "[https://www.nytimes.com/1981/02/20/nyregion/notes-on-people-mccartney-keeping-rights-to-wisconsin-s-state-song.html NOTES ON PEOPLE; McCartney Keeping Rights to Wisconsin's State Song]". 'New York Times', February 20, 1981.

See also

*"Varsity" the alma mater of the University of WisconsinMadison

*"Be True to Your School"


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