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Yakari, A Spectacular Journey

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Wikipedia article

'Yakari, A Spectacular Journey' is a 2020 French-Belgian-German animated film directed by Xavier Giacometti. It was distributed by BAC Films.

The film is an adaptation of 'Yakari', the Belgian comic book series, originally written by Job and illustrated by Derib, both from Switzerland.


Yakari, a little Sioux Native American boy, and his faithful steed, Little Thunder, in the great prairie. Yakari has the ability to communicate with all animals, a gift that was transmitted to him by his totem, the Great Eagle.


*Diana Amft

*Callum Malloney (US/Irish)

*Oscar Douieb

*Alan Stanford (Irish)

*Martin Sheen (US)

*Kathleen Renish

*Tara Flynn (US/Irish)

*Hans Sigl

*Joey D'Auria (US)

*Tom Trouffier

*Paul Tylak (US/Irish)


The film was one of the few films released in 2020 to be a box office success.


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