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Bhavishyachi Aishi Taishi

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Wikipedia article

'Bhavishyachi Aishi Taishi - The Prediction' is an Indian Marathi language film releasing on 6 October 2017. It is a story of three young Maharashrian girls working and staying together with different views on life in general. All is well in their small world until a fateful day when an encounter with an astrologer changes their lives forever.


* Varsha Usgaonkar

* Sundeep Kochar

* Manasi Naik

* Ruchita Jadhav

* Karol Zine

* Asawari Joshi

* Kishor Nandlaskar

* Ananda Karekar

Media Mentions


*Mega Marathi

*Now Running

*Bollywood Trade



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