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Flutter (2011 film)

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Wikipedia article

'Flutter' is a 2011 British black comedy film about gambling, written by Stephen Leslie and directed by Giles Borg. The film stars Joe Anderson, Ricky Tomlinson, Laura Fraser, Billy Zane, Anna Anissimova and Mark Williams.


* Joe Anderson as John

* Laura Fraser as Helen

* Luke Evans as Adrian

* Max Brown as Wagner

* Anton Lesser as Bruno

* Billy Zane as Edwin "The Dentist"

* Mark Wiliams as Raymond

* Ricky Tomlinson

* Anna Anissimova as Stan

* Autumn Federici as Nancy

* Richard Reid as Winston

* John Raine as Terry


As of February 2010, Park Entertainment begun principal photography in filming northeast England, and began shopping the title to buyers in Berlin. Filming was completed in six weeks.


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