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75 Watts

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Wikipedia article

'75 Watts' is a Canadian short documentary film, directed by John Cullen and released in 2011. The film centres on Matt Giordano, a drummer from Denver, Colorado who has Tourette syndrome, which he describes as being like "a 75-watt lightbulb that's been plugged into a thousand-watt outlet", and profiles his efforts to cope with the challenges of the condition through music.Kathy Giordano and Matt Giordano, 'A Family's Quest for Rhythm: Living with Tourette, ADD, OCD & Challenging Behaviors'. Lulu.com, 2012. . p. 70.

The film premiered at the 2011 Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival. It was screened at the Palm Springs International Festival of Short Films in June, where it won the award for Best Documentary Short.Pat Saperstein, [https://variety.com/2011/film/news/palm-springs-shorts-fest-awards-prizes-1118039160/ "Palm Springs Shorts fest awards prizes"]. 'Variety', June 27, 2011.

The film was a Genie Award nominee for Best Short Documentary Film at the 32nd Genie Awards.[https://www.theglobeandmail.com/arts/awards-and-festivals/the-complete-list-of-2012-genie-nominations/article1358675/ "The complete list of 2012 Genie nominations"]. 'The Globe and Mail', January 17, 2012.


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