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The Corsican File

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Wikipedia article

'The Corsican File' is a 2004 French comedy film directed by Alain Berbrian. It is based on the comic book of the same name, one of the stories from the 'Jack Palmer' series by Ren Ptillon.

The film was produced by Gaumont and Legend, and written by Christian Clavier and Michel Delgado. The story follows the escapades of private investigator Jack Palmer, a pseudonym of Rmi Francois, trying to locate a man living on the island of Corsica who is to inherit a property from a will.


Nicolas Jouenne of 'Le Figaro' said, "And you must admit that the two actors stick to their characters perfectly! Although he has not adopted the unmistakable look of Jack Palmer, Christian Clavier is shown in a relatively convincing interpretation while retaining far from his usual bidding a bit boring. Facing him, Jean Reno turns out perfect in solitary independence leader and blood, in addition to the Corsican accent!"[http://tvmag.lefigaro.fr/programme-tv/article/film/40524/l-enqu%C3%83%C2%AAte-corse-clavier-et-reno-sous-le-soleil.html "L'Enqute corse : Clavier et Reno sous le soleil" (in French)], 'Le Figaro', 21 October 2008.


* Christian Clavier as Rmi Franois / Jack Palmer

* Jean Reno as Ange Leoni

* Caterina Murino as La

* Didier Flamand as Dargent

* Pierre Salasca as Mato

* Eric Fraticelli (credited as Pido) as Figoli

* Alain Maratrat as De Vlaminck

* Franois Orsoni as Balducci

* Nathanal Mani as Grappa

* Albert Dray as Le capitaine de gendarmerie

* Daniel Delorme as Doum

* Guy Cimino as Borgnoli

* Jo Fondacci as Diazep

* Philippe Guerrini as Le Marseillais

* Tzek as Bruno


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