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Mommy, I'm Scared

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Wikipedia article

'Korkuyorum Anne!' (English title: 'Mommy, I'm Scared!') is a 2004 Turkish comedy film written and directed by Reha Erdem. An alternate title for the film is 'nsan nedir ki?' ('What is a human anyway?').

Main cast

* Ali Denkalkar as Ali

* Turgay Aydn as Keten

* enay Grler as pek

* Il Ycesoy as Neriman

* Arzu Bazman as Omit

* Kksal Engr as Rasih

Category:2004 films

Category:2004 comedy films

Category:2000s Turkish-language films

Category:Golden Orange Behll Dal Jury Special Award winners

Category:Films set in Turkey

Category:Turkish black comedy films

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