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Happy Go Lucky (1987 film)

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Wikipedia article

'Happy Go Lucky ' is a 1987 Hong Kong romantic comedy directed by Lee Tim-sing and starring Tony Leung Chiu-wai, Kara Hui, Clarence Fok, Betty Mak, and Yammie Lam. It is produced by Orange Sky Golden Harvest. The film premiered in British Hong Kong on 21 May 1987.


* Tony Leung Chiu-wai as Wei

* Kara Hui as Jackie

* Clarence Fok

* Betty Mak

* Yammie Lam


* Hung Wah Leung

* Danny Summer

* Kwan Hoi-san

* Yanzi Shi

* Siu Ping Cheng

* Wang Ban Poon

* Maria Chan

* Lap Ban Chan

* Kuo Hua Chang

* Bo-San Chow

* Tau Chu

* Wai-Jan Koo

* Shirley Kwan

* Sam Lee

* Tim-Sing Lee

* Hung Wah Tony Leung

* Hsin Liang

* Kei Mai

* Tsui-Han Mak

* Bruce Mang

* Danny Poon

* Yee Seung

* Tai Wo Tang

* Tien Tsai Wei

* Chi-Keung Wong

* Kam Bo Wong

* Man Shing Wong

* Siu Ming Wong

* Boon Chai Yat

* Hsiang Lin Yin


'Happy Go Lucky' was released on 21 May 1987, in British Hong Kong.


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