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Terry on the Fence

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Wikipedia article

'Terry on the Fence' is a 1985 British drama film directed by Frank Godwin and starring Jack McNicholl, Neville Watson, Tracey Ann-Morris, and Susan Jameson.

It cost 180,747.


A young tearaway becomes involved with a gang of criminals.


*Jack McNicholl: Terry

*Neville Watson: Les

*Tracey Ann-Morris: Tracey

*Jeff Ward: Mick

*Matthew Barker: Denis

*Brian Coyle: Plastic-Head

*Susan Jameson: Terry's Mum

*Martin Fisk: Terry's Dad

*Margery Mason: Terry's Gran

*Helen Keating: Mrs. Hicks

*Jon Croft: Headmaster

*Clifford Rose: Magistrate

*Ann Morrish: Lady Magistrate

*Julian Curry: Clerk of the Court

*Tim Preece: Schoolmaster

*Janet Davies: Usher


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