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Double Deal (1983 film)

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Wikipedia article

'Double Deal' is a 1983 Australian film about a bored wife of a rich man who has an affair and becomes a thief.David Stratton, 'The Avocado Plantation: Boom and Bust in the Australian Film Industry', Pan MacMillan, 1990 p90

Angela Punch McGregor later said she was "amazed" to be offered the role of a model but accepted the part because she had not worked for a while.

I feared that if I didn't do it I would go down the plug hole The role was a mistake; the film was a mistake. But I didn't know that at the time. Brian Kavanagh turned out to be one of the most sensitive directors to actors that I have ever come across, but I don't think he should write his own scripts.Jim Schembri, "Angela Punch McGregor", 'Cinema Papers', December 1984 p 421

The film was made without government investment.


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