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Crazy Fruit

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Wikipedia article

is a 1981 Japanese film in Nikkatsu's 'Roman porno' series, directed by Kichitaro Negishi. Both this film and the earlier (1956) version by Nikkatsu, 'Crazed Fruit', were based on a novel of the same name by Shintaro Ishihara.


A working class young man, Tetsuo, who distrusts all rich people, falls in love with a girl, Chika, from an affluent family. He has a difficult time, but love survives despite the problems.


* Yji Honma as Tetsuo

* Yuki Ninagawa as Chika

* Eiko Nagashima as Harue

* Eiji Okada as Tono, Chika's step father

* Nobutaka Masutomi as Osawa, Harue's husband

* Kinuko Obata as Tetsuo's mother

Critical appraisal

The Weissers call the plot "a sadly contrived story" and award it two and a half stars out of four, but laud Yji Honma's "intense performance" which made the film a major hit for the Nikkatsu studio.


'Crazy Fruit' was released as a DVD by Uplink () on May 23, 2003.

Awards and nominations

'3rd Yokohama Film Festival'

* 'Won': Best Director - Kichitaro Negishi


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