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Marmalade Revolution

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Wikipedia article

'Marmalade Revolution' is a 1980 Swedish drama film directed by and starring Erland Josephson. It was entered into the 30th Berlin International Film Festival.


* Erland Josephson - Karl Henrik Eller

* Bibi Andersson - Anna-Berit

* Marie Granzon - Maj

* Jan Malmsj - Edvard

* Charlotta Larsson - Hanna (as Lotta Larsson)

* Ulf Palme - Per Hugo

* Kristina Adolphson - Aina

* Susanna Hellberg - Ellen

* Ingvar Kjellson - Editor

* Meta Velander - Maitre d'

* Brje Ahlstedt - Photographer

* Christina Carlwind - Clerk

* Bjrn Gustafson - Night Wanderer

* Olof Lundstrm Orloff - Concierge (as Olof Lundstrm)


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