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Diversion (film)

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Wikipedia article

'Diversion' is a 1980 British film written and directed by James Dearden. Dearden later adapted it into the 1987 American film 'Fatal Attraction'.[https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/14/movies/fatal-attraction-oral-history.html The New York Times][https://www.nytimes.com/1988/07/24/movies/james-dearden-life-after-fatal-attraction.html The New York Times]


A happily married man has an affair with another woman when his wife is away but the other woman wants more than just a one-night stand.


*Stephen Moore as Guy

*Cherie Lunghi as Erica

*Morag Hood as Annie

*Ned Vukovic as Waiter

*Dickon Horsey as Charlie

*Alice as Dog


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