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The Beehive (1975 film)

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Wikipedia article

'The Beehive' '(Persian title: Kandoo- )' is a 1975 Iranian 'Persian-genre' drama film directed by Fereydun Gole and starring Behrouz Vossoughi, Davoud Rashidi, Jalal Pishvaeian and Reza Karam Rezaei.[http://www.aftabir.com/glossaries/instance/films/1351/%DA%A9%D9%86%D8%AF%D9%88 ] aftabir.com '(Persian language)'Parvz Jhid - Directory of World Cinema: Iran 2012 1841503991 Page 137 "The film starts from the day that the two main characters are released and it ends when they return to the prison during an artificial sunset at dawn. The main parts of the film that include those scenes depicting Ebi wandering in the coffee .. The main parts of the film that include those scenes depicting Ebi wandering in the coffee houses and restaurants happen at ... In the next saloon, Ebi the popular Iranian singer ends one of most well-known Persian hits with the words 'call me ..."


* Behrouz Vossoughi as Ebi

* Davoud Rashidi as Agha Hosseini

* Abbass Nazeri Nick as Karim


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