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The Sinful Nuns of Saint Valentine

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Wikipedia article

'The Sinful Nuns of Saint Valentine' (/ translation: 'The Excommunication of St. Valentine') is a 1974 Italian nunsploitation film written and directed by Sergio Grieco and starring Franoise Prvost and Jenny Tamburi.


In the sixteenth century, two Spanish lovers are divided by the rivalry of their families. She then confines herself in a convent, and while the man searches for her, the abbess of the convent falls in love with him, hindering his research and carrying the girl to the Inquisition.


*Franoise Prvost as The Abbess

*Jenny Tamburi as Lucita

*Paolo Malco as Esteban

*Franco Ressel as Don Alonso - Lucita's father

*Corrado Gaipa as Father Honorio de Mendoza

* Pier Giovanni Anchisi as Isidro

* Aldina Martano as Sister Rosario


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