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Amore e ginnastica

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Wikipedia article

'Amore e ginnastica' ('Love And Gymnastics') is a 1973 comedy film directed by Luigi Filippo D'Amico. It is based on a novel with the same name written by Edmondo De Amicis.


*Lino Capolicchio: Simone Celzani

*Senta Berger: Maria Pedani

*Adriana Asti: Elena Zibelli

*Antonino Fa di Bruno: commendator Celzani

*Renzo Marignano: Ingegner Ginoni

*: Alfredo Ginoni

*: Armando (maestro Fassi)

*Rocco D'Assunta: Director of the school

*Ester Carloni: Pinuccia (the Celzani house maid)

*: Elvira Fassi

*Edoardo Toniolo: the minister



*Vincenzo Donzelli

*Giuliano Todeschini

*Giuseppe Alotta

*Valeria Sabel


*Edda Ferronao

*Bruna Cealti



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