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A Decent Adultery

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Wikipedia article

'A Decent Adultery' (Spanish:'Un adulterio decente') is a 1969 Spanish comedy film directed by Rafael Gil and starring Carmen Sevilla, Fernando Fernn Gmez and Manolo Gmez Bur.Mira p.124


* Carmen Sevilla as Fernanda

* Fernando Fernn Gmez as Dr. Leopoldo Cumberri

* Manolo Gmez Bur as Melecio

* Don Jaime de Mora y Aragn as Eduardo Bernal

* Andrs Pajares as Federico Latorre

* Jos Orjas as Eladio

* Guadalupe Muoz Sampedro as Baruti

* Matilde Muoz Sampedro as Magdalena

* Mary Begoa as Emiliana Regueiro

* Venancio Muro as Raigoso

* Mara Isbert as Antonia

* Julio Riscal as Paco

* Rosa Palomar as Patro

* Manuel Alexandre as Joaqun Renovales

* Erasmo Pascual as Dr. Fernndez

* Maribel Hidalgo as Margarita

* Rafael Hernndez as Fermn

* Vicente Haro as Galn

* Mnica Randall as Pup

* Jos Alfayate as Bartolom Ortigueira

* Francisco Rabal as Conserje

* Rafael J. Salvia as Dr. Gonzlez

* Miguel Utrillo as Doctor 3



* Mira, Alberto. 'The A to Z of Spanish Cinema'. Rowman & Littlefield, 2010.

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