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Partner (1968 film)

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Wikipedia article

'Partner' is a 1968 Italian drama film by Bernardo Bertolucci.

Based on the 1846 novella 'The Double' by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, it entered the 29th Venice Film Festival and the Quinzaine des Ralisateurs section at the 22nd Cannes Film Festival.


This film follows a college student who has a routine life and who encounters a twin he is not related to. Along the way, he discovers that the twin friend has many qualities he doesn't have.


*Pierre Clmenti as Giacobbe I and II

*Stefania Sandrelli as Clara

*Tina Aumont as the seller of detergent

*Sergio Tofano as Petrushka

*Ninetto Davoli as the student


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