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Dirty Heroes

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Wikipedia article

'Dirty Heroes' , is a 1967 Italian war film directed by Alberto De Martino and starring Frederick Stafford.


* Frederick Stafford - Joe Mortimer, Sesame

* Daniela Bianchi - Kristina von Keist

* John Ireland - Captain O'Connor

* Curd Jrgens - General Edwin von Keist

* Michel Constantin - Sgt Rudolph Petrowsky

* Helmuth Schneider - SS-General Hassler

* Howard Ross - Randall

* Fajda Nicol - Magda (as Faida Nichols)

* Anthony Dawson - American Colonel (as Anthony M. Dawson)

* Jacques Monod - Partisan

* Adolfo Celi - Luc Rollman


Ennio De Concinii's credit as script supervisor is unconfirmed and Louis Agotay is credited as coauthor of screenplay only by German sources.

See also

* Eagles Over London


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