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An Idiot in Paris

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Wikipedia article

'An Idiot in Paris' (French: 'Un idiot Paris') is a 1967 French comedy film directed by Serge Korber and starring Dany Carrel, Jean Lefebvre and Bernard Blier.Rge p.279


* Dany Carrel as Juliette dite 'La fleur'

* Jean Lefebvre as Goubi

* Bernard Blier as Lon Dessertine

* Robert Dalban as Patouilloux

* Micheline Luccioni as Lucienne - une prostitue

* Fernand Berset as Jules Grafouillres

* Jean Carmet as Ernest Grafouillres

* Albert Rmy as Rabichon, le restaurateur

* Bernadette Lafont as Berthe Patouilloux

* Andr Pousse as Le chauffeur de taxi

* Paul Prboist as Le gardien du square / Square Guardian

* Philippe Avron as Franois Flutiaux

* Yves Robert as Marcel Pitou, l'vad des HLM / Man by the Seine

* Lucien Raimbourg as Catolle

* Jeanne Prez as Germaine Catolle

* Hubert de Lapparent as Police inspector Pingeon

* Robert Castel as Un agent de police

* Jean-Claude Massoulier as Un inspecteur

* Pierre Richard as L'agent de police Boudinos



* Philippe Rge. 'Encyclopedia of French Film Directors, Volume 1'. Scarecrow Press, 2009.

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