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Toto vs. the Black Pirate

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Wikipedia article

'Toto vs. the Black Pirate' is a 1964 Italian adventure-comedy film written and directed by Fernando Cerchio.


Jos is a Neapolitan petty thief who escaping from the guards for a small theft hides himself in a barrel of Jamaican rum of on the quay of the port of Naples. The barrel get placed, however, on a pirate ship, so the man will have to face a horde of pirates to save his life.


*Tot as Jos

*Mario Petri as The Black Pirate

*Aldo Giuffr as Lt. Burrasca

*Grazia Maria Spina as Isabella

*Mario Castellani as Uncino

*Pietro Carloni as The Governor

*Aldo Bufi Landi as Manolo

*Giacomo Furia as Don Carlos d'Aragona

*Franco Ressel as The Spanish Commander


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