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Det store lb

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Wikipedia article

'Det store lb' is a 1952 Danish family film directed by Alice O'Fredericks.


*Poul Reichhardt as Niels Stone

*Grethe Holmer as Kirsten Hein

*Ib Schnberg as Dr. Hessel

*Johannes Meyer - Godsejer Vilhelm Stone

*Katy Valentin as Fru Helene Stone

*Lisbeth Movin as Gerda Hein

*Per Buckhj as Henrik Hein

*Valdemar Skjerning as Sagfrer Hemme

*William Rosenberg as Claus Hemme

*Helga Frier as Baronessen p Stensholt

*Peter Malberg as Trneren Nich

*Olaf Nordgreen as Hestepasser Klle

*Agnes Rehni as Jomfru Madsen

*Else Jarlbak as Stuepige

*Lis Weibel as Hjlpepigen Jensine

*Vera Trres as En pige

*Birgitte Bruun as Spejderpige

*Knud Schrder as Kontrolant p travbanen

*Henry Nielsen as DSB medarbejder

*Ove Sproge as Drunk man in bus

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