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Brandy for the Parson

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Wikipedia article

'Brandy for the Parson' is a 1952 British comedy film directed by John Eldridge and starring Kenneth More, Charles Hawtrey, James Donald and Jean Lodge. It was based on a short story by Geoffrey Household from 'Tales of Adventurers' (1952). The title is a reference to the refrain of the poem "A Smuggler's Song" by Rudyard Kipling.


Bill and Petronilla are a young couple on a yachting holiday. They agree to give a lift to friendly Tony and his cargo, who unbeknownst to them is a brandy smuggler. Before they know it, the couple are fleeing cross-country, chased by customs men.

Main cast

* James Donald as Bill Harper

* Kenneth More as Tony Rackham

* Jean Lodge as Petronilla Brand

* Frederick Piper as Customs inspector

* Charles Hawtrey as George Crumb

* Michael Trubshawe as Redworth

* Alfie Bass as Dallyn

* Wilfrid Caithness as Mr. Minch

* Lionel Harris as Mr. Frost

* Richard Molinas as Massaud

* Reginald Beckwith as Scoutmaster

* Stanley Lemin as Customs officer

* Arthur Wontner as Major Glockleigh

* Frank Tickle as Vicar

* Amy Dalby as Postmistress

* Wensley Pithey as Circus owner

* Sam Kydd as Lorry driver

Critical reception

Allmovie called it "wafer-thin comedy"; and 'The New York Times' called it "a mild but tasty distillate." 'Picture Show' magazine found it "well acted against a delightful background of English scenery, beautifully photographed", and the film's executive producer John Grierson described it as "a sweet lemon of a picture" with a feel of "old oak and seaweed".Steve Chibnall & Brian McFarlane, 'The British 'B' Film', Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2009, p. 116.


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