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The Dancer of Jaipur

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Wikipedia article

'The Dancer of Jaipur' is a 1920 German silent film directed by Georg Bluen and starring Fern Andra, Ernst Rckert and Paul Rehkopf.Caneppele p. 176


* Fern Andra as Schlangentnzerin Saferndri Yelama

* Ernst Rckert as Inder Anguli

* Heinrich Lisson as Gaukler

* Rudolf Hilberg as Frst von Dschiapur

* Paul Rehkopf

* Sven Holm



* Paolo Caneppele. 'Entscheidungen der Tiroler Filmzensur 1919-1920-1921: mit einem Index der in Tirol verbotenen Filme 19161922'. Film Archiv Austria, 2002.

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