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The Rat (1918 film)

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Wikipedia article

'The Rat' (German: 'Die Ratte') is a 1918 German silent crime film directed by Harry Piel and Joe May and starring Heinrich Schroth, Olga Engl and Kthe Haack.Bock & Bergfelder p.363 It was part of the series of Joe Deebs detective films.

It was shot at the Tempelhof Studios in Berlin.


* Heinrich Schroth as Joe Deebs, Detektiv

* Olga Engl as Frstin Klankenstein

* Stefan Vacano as Baron Bassano

* Lina Paulsen as Grfin Drfeld

* Mechthildis Thein as Baronin Orlowska

* Leo Burg as Grauhofer

* Hermann Picha as Vinzenz Krger, Domtrmer

* Werner Albes as Dr. Hans Krger

* Kthe Haack as Die Ratte



* Bock, Hans-Michael & Bergfelder, Tim. 'The Concise CineGraph. Encyclopedia of German Cinema'. Berghahn Books, 2009.

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