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The Caller (novel)

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Wikipedia article

'The Caller' (Norwegian: 'Varsleren', 2009) is a crime fiction novel by Norwegian crime fiction author Karin Fossum, the tenth in the Inspector Konrad Sejer series, released 2009 by Random House, and published in English in 2011.


Kenneth Turan of the 'Los Angeles Times' said that 'The Caller' provided the chills, and that it "will put you away, no questions asked". 'Goodreads' gave 'The Caller' 3.77 stars, based on user-generated ratings. The 'Irish Times' praised the novel, saying that it was "A contemporary Patricia Highsmith, her (Fossum's) offbeat obsession with the psychology of the criminal mind, and the human cost of the criminal activity, pays off handsomely yet again."As seen on the blurb of the book


Category:Novels by Karin Fossum

Category:Novels set in Norway

Category:Norwegian crime novels

Category:2009 novels

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