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Spilt Milk (novel)

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Wikipedia article

'Spilt Milk' (original title in Portuguese: 'Leite Derramado') is a novel written by Chico Buarque.


A very old man is in a hospital bed. A member of a traditional Brazilian family, he presents the history of his family in a monologue addressed to his daughter, the nurses, and anyone else who will listen. He follows his family's path from his Portuguese ancestors, including a baron of the Empire, and a First Republic's Senator, down to his grandson, a youth from Rio de Janeiro. His family saga is characterized by social and economic decadence against the background of Brazilian history over the last two centuries.

Awards and Recognitions

*Voted best book of 2009 by readers of 'O Globo'.

*2010 So Paulo Prize for Literature Shortlisted in the Best Book of the Year category


'Brazilian edition'

*'Leite Derramado', So Paulo, SP: Companhia das Letras, 2009.


*English translation by Alison Entrekin, 'Spilt Milk', New York, NY: Grove Press, 2012.

*French translation by Genevive Leibrich, 'Quand je sortirai d'ici', Paris: Gallimard, 2011.

*German translation by Karin von Schweder-Schreiner, 'Vergossene Milch', Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer, 2013.

*Hebrew translation by Erela Talenberg Lerer, ' ', Israel, Xargol Books, Ltd., 2017

*Italian translation by Roberto Francavilla, 'Latte versato', Milano: Feltrinelli, 2010.

*Spanish translation by Ana Rita da Costa Garca, 'Leche derramada', Barcelona: Salamandra, 2010.


Category:2009 novels

Category:Brazilian historical novels

Category:Family saga novels

Category:Novels set in Brazil

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