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Misfortune (novel)

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Wikipedia article

'Misfortune', is the 2005 debut novel by Wesley Stace. The "Victorian" novel revolves around a cross-dressing heir/heiress.Helen Davies Gender and Ventriloquism in Victorian and Neo-Victorian ... - 2012 -- Page 167 "my Afterword offers readings of two novels by Wesley Stace: Misfortune (2005) and By George (2007)." The book was one of the 'Washington Post's Books of the Year and chosen by Amazon.com as one of the Ten Best Novels of 2005. It was also nominated for the Guardian First Book Award, and shortlisted for both the Commonwealth Writers Prize and the James Tiptree, Jr. Award. The author, better known as singer-songwriter John Wesley Harding, recorded the traditional ballads and folk songs in the book on The Love Hall Tryst's 2005 album 'Songs of Misfortune'.[http://www.wfuv.org/content/required-reading-songwriters-turned-authors Wesley Stace - Misfortune] "The L.A. Times praised his latest novel, Charles Jessold, Considered as a Murderer, but for my money, his first novel, Misfortune, is his enduring page-turner. The Guardian called it a "rationalist, secular study of sexual politics, of the glory and the grief of enforced transvestism."(Claudia Marshall)


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