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Arthur C. Clarke's July 20, 2019: Life in the 21st Century

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Wikipedia article

'Arthur C. Clarke's July 20, 2019: Life in the 21st Century' is a book by Arthur C. Clarke, in collaboration with other contributors, published in 1986.

Plot summary

'Arthur C. Clarke's July 20, 2019: Life in the 21st Century' is a book in which futurologists portray a 21st century Utopia.


Dave Langford reviewed 'Arthur C. Clarke's July 20, 2019: Life in the 21st Century' for 'White Dwarf' #90, and stated that "Clark's a good non-fiction writer, and I was surprised by the mediocrity of these essays on 2019's hospitals, roads, schools, transport, etc. It turns out that 'Ego' (as fans once called him) provided only the introduction and epilogue: the 14 people who wrote the rest are named on the back flap of the jacket, in Clark's small-print acknowledgements, and 'nowhere else'. Good grief."


*Review by Geoffrey A. Landis (1986) in Fantasy Review, December 1986

*Review by Edward James (1987) in Vector 139


Category:1986 novels

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