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Naked Came I

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Wikipedia article

'Naked Came I' is a bestselling 1963 novel by David Weiss based on the life of sculptor Auguste Rodin.

'Naked Came I' portrays Rodin as driven to be an artist because his temperament would allow him to be nothing else. It shows him as a friend with other Parisian artists such as Edgar Degas, Auguste Renoir, douard Manet, and those of the Second French Empire associated with the Salon des Refuss: they were generally outside the Paris art establishment, and had been refused admission to the cole des Beaux Arts. The title is derived, according to the frontispiece, from Cervantes' 'Don Quixote'. (Cervantes, in turn, had taken it from the Book of Job, 1:21.)

Due to the success of Weiss' previous novels, the book was, almost simultaneously with its American publication, also published in the United Kingdom and in translation in France, Germany, and Italy.

In popular culture, 'Naked Came I' was the title of the sensationalized memoir of Opus the Penguin in the Berke Breathed comic strip, 'Bloom County'.


Category:1963 novels

Category:Novels about artists

Category:Novels set in Paris

Category:Novels set in the 19th century

Category:William Morrow and Company books

Category:Cultural depictions of Auguste Rodin

Category:Cultural depictions of Pierre-Auguste Renoir

Category:Cultural depictions of Edgar Degas

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