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Books from 1948

A Burnt Child

Adam Buenosayres

Ashes and Diamonds

Category:1948 American novels

Category:1948 Australian novels

Category:1948 British novels

Category:1948 Canadian novels

Category:1948 French novels

Category:1948 German novels

Category:1948 Indian novels

Category:1948 Swedish novels

Category:1948 debut novels

Category:1948 graphic novels

Category:1948 speculative fiction novels

El Tnel



Maigret's Dead Man

Maigret's First Case

No Longer Human


Pedigree (novel)


Sivagamiyin Sapatham

Snow Country

Tarry Flynn

The Adventurer (novel)

The Atom Station

The Count of Saint Germain

The Mirage (Mahfouz novel)

The Moth (novel)

Vaishali ki Nagarvadhu

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